Standardized Test Preparation

When it comes to preparation for these types of tests we like to take a niche approach to the task. Instead of offering a single tutor for both verbal and math sections we instead use our tutors unique strengths to give you the most effective help on each section of your exam.


This is a list of the aspects of the major standardized tests we offer services for. Each of the sections listed is an area in which one of our tutors has personal expertise:

  1. GRE
  • Analytical (verbal)
  • Quantitative (math)
  • Essays
  • Subject tests
  1. GMAT
  • Analytical Writing Assessment
  • Integrated Reasoning
  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Quantitative reasoning
  • GMAT Prep planning and B-school application consultation
  1. SAT
  • Mathematics
  • Critical reading
  • Writing (essay)
  1. ACT
  • Science
  • Math
  • English
  • Reading
  • Writing (optional)
  1. LSAT
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Logical Reasoning (Arguments)
  • Analytical Reasoning (Games)
  • Writing Sample


For More Information please visit the specific websites for each of these tests.